Cleaning Hacks that will Improve Your Life in 2023

Turn Your Cloudy Glassware Crystal Clear

You pull out a newly cleaned glass from the cabinet, only to see that it is cloudy and lined with hard water stains. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to make your glassware shine.

  •  If you have hard water stains, allowing your dishes to air dry helps eliminate cloudy residue. 
  • Heat drying your glasses in the dishwasher makes it harder to remove stains. Using a good quality washing detergent is also beneficial. 
  • Finally, soak your glasses in equal parts water and white vinegar. Use a microfiber cloth and this solution to add extra shine.

C+B Bonus: Add No.001 to your cleaning solution for an extra shine!

Make Your Garbage Disposal Smell Amazing

The kitchen is where friends and family gather so the last thing you want is for your garbage disposal to be clogged and have a foul odor. Check out our DIY Garbage Disposal Tablets that are simple to make.

  1. First, dice lemons and limes and place them into a muffin tin or ice cube mold. 
  2. Next, pour white vinegar into the mold and cover the fruit. You can also add a few drops of lemon or orange essential oils to the top of each mold. 
  3. Set in the freezer and let the mold sit until it is completely frozen. 
  4. Now it's time to use the tablets! Run hot water down the sink for a minute and then turn it off. 
  5. Once you turn off the water, add ½ cup of baking soda down the drain and drop a frozen tablet in. Once you hear sizzling, turn the faucet back on and run your disposal. The tablet will not only eliminate the smell, but the ice will sharpen your disposal blades! 

C+B Bonus: For essential oil blends and other cleaning ideas, check out our Pinterest!

Dusting Tip For Pesky Plastic Blinds

Do you have those plastic blinds in your house that collect dust at an alarming rate? It can feel impossible to clean them without creating even more mess. Here is a simple solution involving a pair of kitchen tongs. 

  • Wrap a microfiber cloth around each tong claw and secure it with a rubber band. Once attached, spray the cloth with C+B’s All The Things. Then sandwich the blade in between your tongs and glide across the surface. It will quickly and efficiently get rid of the mountain of dust! 

C+B Bonus: Order your ATT & microfiber cloth in one bundle

Boost Your Laundry

Walking down the laundry aisle at a grocery store can be like quicksand. The scent of lavender and clean linen lure you in, but the toxic ingredients are far from friendly. That's why we encourage you to make your own non-toxic laundry detergent! 

  1. Combine 2 cups of Epsom salt, 20 drops of your favorite essential oil and place them in an airtight container
  2.  Place one tablespoon of the mixture in your washer, and one cup of vinegar 
  3. Run the load as usual

Making your own laundry detergent is cost-efficient and completely natural! No toxic fragrances involved!

C+B Bonus: Use the No.001 household cleaner to pre treat stains!

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